Need a little help taking charge of your health and happiness?

What is Jin Shin Jyutsu®?

The Art of Self-Help with


Jin Shin Jyutsu® is a gentle and nurturing healing art that helps restore balance and harmony by using light touch on specific energy points along the body.

Rooted in ancient wisdom, it works with the natural flow of energy within us, supporting physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. By simply holding a finger or certain points on the body, you can release tension, promote relaxation, and encourage the body’s own healing process.

Practicing Self-help with Jin Shin Jyutsu® allows you to connect more deeply with your inner vitality, whether you're new to energy work or have been practicing for years.

DISCOVER the Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu® Self-help

in a 30-minute Mini Course called:   

6 Steps to Boost Your Best Self 

Patti Wohlin is a Certified Jin Shin Jyutsu® Practitioner and Self-Help Instructor.

Enroll NOW! 6 Steps to Boost Your Best Self

Mini-Course: 6 Steps to Boost Your Best Self

An introduction to the Art of Self-help with Jin Shin Jyutsu® 

What are students saying about it?

 "These 6 Steps help me relax and de-stress my body, calm my emotions, and clear my mind quickly, using my own two hands, anytime and anywhere."

Lee W. - Hospice Volunteer  

Enroll Here Now!